Braziers Park is home to about 20 people of all ages, including an ever-changing team of volunteers from around the world. We usually have up to six resident volunteers staying with us for 1–3 months each. In return for their contribution to Braziers, volunteers get accommodation, meals, and the opportunity to live and learn with us. Our volunteers either stay in the main house, or in one of our outbuildings, including a lovely brick garden cottage. Volunteers will share a room with one or two other people of the same gender. Volunteering can sometimes be the first step towards joining the community.
We also welcome mid-week volunteers (see below).

Applying to be a resident volunteer
IMPORTANT: Please read our Introduction to Volunteering document before you apply!
The minimum residential volunteering period is 1 month and the maximum is 3 months. It can take a while to learn the rhythms and procedures here, so we prefer volunteers to stay longer when possible.
Volunteers MUST be at least 18+ years old and have a good understanding of spoken English.
Volunteers from outside the EU must have a valid tourist visa for three months, out of which they can volunteer for a maximum of one month.
Read our frequently asked questions to learn about volunteering at Braziers, what you will do, where you will stay and how to get here.
Mid-Week Volunteers
Some volunteers join us for the day on a regular basis, currently on Tuesdays, to help us in the garden and other areas.
Information for midweek volunteers
To become a midweek volunteer please complete our MIDWEEK VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM