Scroll down for the outline programme – more details coming soon. Reserve a place here
Join filmmakers and filmgoers in our atmospheric ancient barn for the third Mini Indi Film Festival. Almost 200 submissions were received and the final selection of 48 represent 15 different countries with more than half of the directors women.
We have compiled a very diverse and exciting independent film programme over the long weekend with opportunities for discussion with some of the directors.
Short films and full length features will be interlaced with workshops and activities including the amazing Flowzone experimental theatre from TAC Teatro of Milan.
You can also enjoy storytelling, music, cream teas, walks and croquet, and find space for conversation, contemplation and relaxation in the beautiful ambience of Braziers Park’s fifty-five acres of organic meadowland, woodlands and gardens.
Saturday night’s social gathering at the barn offers a bar, barbecue (vegan options) and bonfire alongside musical and spoken word entertainments until late.
For the fully immersive experience book to stay the weekend either in the house, or camping and participate in all the weekend’s events for no extra cost. For day and drop-in visitors sessions cost £5 and meals may be booked. Residential stays and additional meals are priced at Braziers’s 3-tier rates that asks you to consider your ability to pay, see booking form and website. Concessions are available.
However you choose to participate you can be sure of a very warm Braziers community welcome!
For day visitors, sessions and workshops participation will be £5 session. Meals and accommodation will be charged using our 3-tier rate which invites you to consider your ability to pay. Day visitors are welcome to bring their own picnic.